“The color is great but the applicator is not that good. It says you can do it in 60 secs away from home etc, but my fingers got black, and wouldn't come out until I scrubbed real hard while at a party. Also need to re-dip the applicator multiple times to make it work.”
“I have had a 85% gray/white facial growth for about 4 years now. I am not a "full time beard" guy. I might grow it out for a month, then shave it.
For November, I wanted to grow it out and OCCATIONALLY color it so VOLT was the answer.
I had my beard for a good 2 or 3 weeks before using VOLT. I would come and go from work during that time, seeing the same people.
One day, i showed up with VOLT on. Mind you, I work with ALL women, so they are normally fast to notice a change with someone's appearance.
I tested the natural look on two groups of women. I sat right in front of 2 ladies talking to them until they finally said "Your beard looks good, you growing it out?"
I told them I have had my beard all month.
"Well what's different about you?"
Then I told them and they said how natural it looked.
I went to another part of my building to chat with 2 more ladies and the first comment was "Oh you trimmed your beard, it looks good!"
Again, these people have seen me for 3 weeks with an almost all white beard.
I say all this to say that VOLT looks natural. It is easy to use, and if you don't like your work or the color, it's gone in about 2 or 3 showers.
It does not irritate the skin and if a bunch of women can see you "VOLT-ed" and not think you colored your beard, I'd say that's a natural look!”