“These straws are of very nice quality. They are a great chance to be environmentally friendly, and these are often given away as a bonus item. They come packaged nicely, and if you save the packaging, you can carry them around in your purse for a bit. They are great for work as well.”
“So I got the frosted glass straws and so far I personally can’t stand them. I love the idea but the frosted material makes think of chalk boards. I haven’t tried to use one in like a silicone cup but against anything with texture it makes my skin crawl. If you can’t handle the chalkboard sounds or forks and knives on a plate, get the regular glass straws. Otherwise great product and wish I had just gotten a regular glass straw :/”
“Loved the glass straw for its class and eco-friendliness but it is too short and falls in to the water bottle and you can’t pluck it out unless you dump it out.”