“Great value and great way to try a range of flavours. I love the fact that I can use these during and after a workout to replace lost key nutritients without adding calories to my diet and its much more beneficial than water alone.”
“Very pleased with the products indeed. Nice, subtle tastes. The Microdrinks are helping keep me much more hydrated during the day and the Microlytes encourage me to take on much more fluids during my workouts!”
“Blueberry is definitely the best! Melon… no thank you and grapefruit is okay but Blueberry definitely hits the spot! (Can’t include an image as they’re already gone!)”
“They obviously taste refreshing but more importantly, they work.
Story time:
My partner caught gastroenteritis and was so ill for so long that the dehydration almost got her admitted to A&E.
Both her hands cramped and locked into fists, her feet then cramped and locked into balls. Causing excruciating pain.
The over the counter hydration packs didn't work.
So, on the way to the hospital I put 2 microlytes into 500ml of water.
She sipped, barely getting anything as not to trigger vomiting, and in the 25 minute ride to the hospital, and then straight home (which is a whole other story time!), the locking started to reduce, she was replacing her lost salts and rehydration.
It took a while to fully recover, but it was only through sipping microlyte that life-threatening dehydration avoided.
I will now always stock microlyte.
Question: you know how people are given aspirin tablets under their tongue without water, could you do the same with microlyte in severe situations where water can't be kept down?
Putting a microlyte under the tongue?”