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Lotus W 9 | M 8 Reviews

5 Rating 1 Reviews
How do you rate the overall fit of the model?
Very bad
Very good
How do you rate the length of the shoe?
Too small
Too big
How do you rate the width of the shoe?
Runs narrow
Just right
Runs wide
What size recommendation would you like to make for the model? Buy one size smaller.
the lotus is everything I dreamed it would be. I can hardly stand to take them off. My only complaint is that i think they are a little long and wish I'd bought a size 8 instead of 9 so i could wear them barefoot and still have warm toes. . As is, they only feel "part of my feet" if I'm also wearing a thickish sock. They actually fit a friend of mine with womens' size 10 perfectly. But I'm not sending them back because they are warm and I now can't do without them!
3 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago