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Gyokucho Megumi Usuba 210mm Pruning Saw Reviews

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A remarkably efficient saw for gardening and horticulture, the Gyokucho Megumi Usaba folding pruning saw was designed in conjunction with the apple farmers of Japan to prune fruit trees cleanly without shaking the thin branches.
The teeth on these Gyokucho saws are tough, extremely sharp and hold their edge for years (replacement blades are available when you eventually need them). The blade is nickel plated to surpress corrosion, prevent wood tar adhesion and for a silky smooth, almost frictionless cut. With it being only 0.6mm thick, care should be taken not to use too much presssure when using.
The adjustable screw and ability to change the angle of the straight blade is designed to help with cutting branches above shoulder line.
The Magnolia wood handle on Megumi Usuba Folding saw fits comfortably in your hand when working with it over a longer time. The unfinished surface reduces potential sweating compared to a synthetic one, any small damages can be easily fixed by rasp and sand paper, plus it can be finished however you prefer with oil or varnish. In fact the fruit farmers in Japan often carve their handles making it very personal to them.
As with all blades used for pruning, care should be taken to clean and dry after use, plus we would recommend running a spot of oil over the blade prior to storage. 
Blade Length: 210mm (8¼")
Blade Thickness: 0.6mm
Teeth Pitch: 2.2mm
Made in Japan
Handle Length: 300mm (12")
Total Length: 530mm (20⅞")
Pull Saw
Spare blade  S-1060: SKU 301090

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Not up to the usual standards of Gyokucho. If it wasn't half price then it would have been returned
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Posted 5 months ago