The Quangsheng rebating block has the advantage of being able to reach into an internal corner. Think of it as a broad, comfortable shoulder plane rather than a block plane with added versatility and you won't go far wrong.It pays to treat open sided planes a little more gently than standard ones, particularly when it comes to tightening down the iron.The continuous U section of a standard plane provides a good deal of its stiffness, making it more important than usual to apply the minimum force necessary to hold the blade in position.Specifications:
Bronze cap and brass fittings
T10 iron hardened to RC60-63
Sole Dimensions 6½in x 1¾in (165mm x 44mm)
Bedding angle 12 degrees
Supplied with a 25 degree cutting iron
Please note that we are unable to ship Quangsheng products to North America due to retail exclusivity restrictions.