“I have one of these, and, yeah, as some other reviewers say, the cap doesn’t fit in super well. I hafta tape it down and it’s a real pain in the butt, when I wanna refill it. Inconvenient, but it’s not bad, besides that. I still use it and like it.”
“I've been through a few of these bad boys, and they have proven to be just what I've always wanted in a vape. I've been smoking cigarettes since I was 19 (I'm 26 now), and by the time I made the move over to vaporized nicotine, I was smoking about 20-30 self-rolled cigarettes every day (I know— it's a little excessive— but I was going through some things, haha). I'd love to say I had a sudden change of heart Re: my mortality and general health, but the truth is, my cigarette habit was just getting too damn expensive. My sister leant me a vape at some point when I didn't have money for cigs, and I made the leap across the aisle, becoming a *sigh* "vaper."
For the following year, I carried around a clunky three-piece device around in my pocket instead of a pack and a Bic. It was doing the trick, but to be honest, it never really did the trick: it gave me what I needed to quench my addic- er.. "habit," but it wasn't ever satisfying the same way ten minutes burning a Marlboro between my lips was. And I missed cigarettes, nasty smell and all. Then I heard about Pod Mods: the Nicotine Salt smokers marketed toward ex-smokers, and I decided to give them a shot! Someone let me try their Juul, and it was nice, but after considering the much higher comparable price, I decided spending the extra dough on a particularly successful branding campaign was not my style (Remember: I'm shopping in this market to save money in the first place, and disposible Juul Pods were a step back in the wrong direction.
This is when I purchased my first Suorin Drop. Boy, oh boy, was that a game changer! I love everything about this little device! Like any Nic Salt device, it hits more like a cigarette than I dreamed possible during the year I was "vaping" traditionally, discontent, but unaware of this alternative. The nicotine hits me like a cigarette too, which means I could smoke like I would a cigarette to reward my body with nicotine, instead of puffing all day long on something that rewarded my body with a nicotine sensation that only sort of seemed worth it. The way the Suorin Drop is constructed is just what I wanted, but didn't know I wanted. It is small and thin enough to slip right in my pants' pocket without leaving a huge lump, the battery lasts forever, and the quality/materials/aesthetics is top-notch: sleek and sexy, with a little— but not too much— heft. All other Pod Mods (including Suorin's other endeavors) have seemed invariably "cheap" to me: more like a toy than a tool (which it is neither, but I prefer to look like I'm carrying around the latter, especially in professional circles).
Unfortunately, after a few months, the breath-activation mechanism stopped working. I bought another Nic Salt Mod, this time from a different company, figuring I might as well see what's available out there. So I shopped around, and have since ordered Pod Mods from various companies, as well as similar Vapes from Suorin. And I've found that, while they ALL typically deliver a comparable effect on the human anatomy (compared with traditional vaping), the Suorin Drop was the only one constructed in a way I was satisfied carrying around all the time, and also that the pull I'd get from the Drop was my favorite by a long shot (which is CERTAINLY a subjective thing, and doesn't necessarily mean it will be "best" for every smoker out there).
My only problem with the Suorin Drop is that it breaks more than is ideal (I'd say one device will last me 2-5 months before it breaks), but at its affordable price, replacing it is kind of a nonissue. ElectronicTobacconist has even replaced the Drop, if it has broken before their three-month warranty runs up (with free return shipping and everything!!) I've now owned four Suorin Drops, which means that three of them have broken: one time it was due to something with the electronics that I couldn't figure out, but the other two have been a very frustrating issue with the breath-activation mechanism, which it turns out can turn from fully functional to completely unresponsive for seemingly no reason at all, out of nowhere at the drop of a hat. Oh, well, though: for me (and for my 30something bucks), it's worth it.
The Suorin Drop, for a man with my particular history with cigarettes and vaping, stands out above anything and everything else capable of filling my lungs with plumes of nicotine. It's sleeker and more low-key than any clunky Box Vape, it hits smooth and consistent, it's inexpensive to maintain (pods, juice), it looks cool as hell, and it doesn't feel like I'm toting around a plastic toy, like most Pod Mods that saturate the market.
I would (AND ALWAYS DO) recommend this thing to all my smoker friends— hell, I even recommend it to my non-smoker friends: get 'em hooked without the hefty lump of guilt that comes with turning someone into a cigarette smoker! It's the best device of its kind, and ElectronicTobacconist is the best place you'll find to buy it (their customer service and what seems to be a policy of overarching generosity makes this shop my favorite place on the web to buy things from: it's never a hassle to reach out when I've needed something).”
“It's ok, but the pod doesnt seem to fit in, snugly, and I have to push it down, to make it hit. It worked well, at first, but loosened up, after not to long... even with new pods! Taping it works too, but it's a paint in the butt.”
“When I started vaping I tried out a bunch of different pod systems but this is the one I went with...then bought 2 more. I like the heavy, organic feel of it, kinda like a worry stone. It's also thin, so it's comfortable and doesn't show in a pocket, tucked into a bra, or palmed; very discreet. It has a good battery life compaired to other systems I've tried, charges quickly, doesn't burn too hot, and a pod can last 5 to 7 days depending on usage. Only downer is the pods tend to leak, especially if you prime them. It's best to let a new wick soak overnight. Aside from that, pods are inexpensive, can be found in shops all across the US, are easy to refill, and the rubber stoppers are attached. Over all a great little pod for the price. Works best with vg salts.”