“I have two if anyone wants for free. Both used for less than say two weeks. One leaks internally and externally and the other burns up coils after the first draw you take. Let me know.”
“I have two if anyone wants for free. Both used for less than say two weeks. One leaks internally and externally and the other burns up coils after the first draw you take. Let me know.”
“I love the idea of this device with the big battery and large juice storage but the usage is pretty bad. It's not good at either mouth to lung or direct lung hits and both ways the coils are the worst. Both burned out in less than a day each. I wish this device was as good as it could be.”
“Great product, finally found one I can use. I had a Novo and a prince stick, now that I have the xforce, I don't have to switch between Vapes. No leaking issues whatsoever. The coils last the same amount of time as my sub ohm. Approx 2 and half weeks. Not bad at all. I love this thing.”