“Wonderful ejuice! I'm hopeful that my favorite ejuice will be arriving in chubby bottles soon...? Excellent quality, for all the Dinner Lady juices, but Berry Tart is one that really stands out. I order this with every order. The real berry flavor comes through, along with the bakery. Love it!”
“This is one of my absolute favorites! It's just the right amount of berry in a perfectly baked tart & is exactly sweet-enough, without being too sweet. I do wish they'd switch over to a chubby though, the glass droppers create problems when filling my tank.”
“Not bad, but too intense flavor for me. Leaves a taste in my mouth. I mix it with the lemon tart about a 1/4 berry 3/4 lemon ratio (to not waste it) and it's not bad. I will not re-purchase this one unfortunately.”
“Wanted to give it a try since there wasn't the Black Berry crumble, this is awesome stuff and I thought the lemon tart was good. this is really good.”