“Never buy these coils unless you love the taste of cotton and dry hits. I was running a great vanilla custard on the 1.4 "regular" coils and the time came to change it.
I put in a "CERAMIC" 1.4 and let it soak for about 30 minutes to wick. My first hit had no air resistance and I thought the coil or mouth piece were set incorrectly. Everything checked out good but the hits where super airy and the taste was "meh".
I dealt with it for the day and then took another "Ceramic" 1.4 out of the 5-pack I had ordered and put it in. Same terrible hit and taste. I thought that maybe I had a bad batch of coils that aren't seating or wicking right. The coils were only tasting decent for a day and then terrible.
My wife's Nord was hitting perfect (like mine used to hit) and she was running the "Regular" 1.4 coil. I did some research and found that the "Ceramic" coils are the worst coil ever for the Nord.
Do not buy this coil. You will waste your money like I did and think that something is wrong with your setup. It's not you, it's Smok and their awful "Ceramic" coils.
On a positive note, If you are looking to stop vaping then this coil will definitely leave you feeling disappointed and you'll use the device WAY LESS as a result. I haven't vaped in 2 days since going through 5 coils in a week trying to diagnose the issue.