“I purchased this at a dumpy little market for $14.99 so I could quit cigarettes. I used the tobacco flavor at 2.4 nic... I have to say for my first vape it is great for quitting, never had the spit back problem but sometimes when the juice is low it doesn't fire but try again and it works.”
“Well I have to say i love this my favorite is the tropical flavor and the Berry and the crunch I just ordered 5 more pods they're very safe and it keeps a long charge I recommend this to all my friends...
P. S you will enjoy trust me...”
“I've also noticed that the juice will start coming into your mouth and wanting to all I read up on this and that juice going straight into your mouth and especially if you swallow it it is so so very bad for you. I know summer thinking well just vaping alone is bad for you. Which it is there is several teenagers in the hospital right now because of long damage these are teenagers that haven't been vaping long I've been smoking for 30 years and have yet to been in the hospital for lung damage. Anyway I'm going to sound stupid here I still like the RipStik and when I did learn for those that are having the problem of the juice coming out I believe you need to make sure that stick is fully charged because my theory is if it is not fully charged it's not going to make the liquid vape so when you suck on it the liquid just going to come out as liquid not the vape. anyway that is just a theory of mine and I've tested it out and I make sure my RipStik is fully charged now before using it. And I haven't had much problem with the liquid just coming out instead of it you know just simply The vapor coming out. I'm not a researcher so again this is just my theory.”