“Overall great! One of them just stopped working. No detections, nothing. Acted like no power applied at all even though it was working originally and other sensors were working fine. Power cycled the sensor and it suddenly came on, but after detection it would turn off my attached light after about 5 seconds with the sensor set to default settings. Called RAB support. They suggested setting it to daylight mode and testing again. Same thing: detection, light comes on, then off again after 5 seconds. RAB agreed to send replacement. While I was waiting it started working properly again with it set to Daylight mode. I haven’t set it back to night mode to see if it will break again.”
“I use this item in parallel with an identical unit to manage outdoor LED lights in the cold/heat of MN winters and summers. One of the pair failed after two years+ use, and this is a replacement. Love the operation, they work great with LED lights. I do wish the unit that had failed had lasted longer than it did.”
“I went thru three cheap motion sensors for rear basement entrance lights. Rab products have a great warranty and stand by their product. I use to buy their stuff all the time when I worked for an electrical contractor. ProLighting had a fair price and the shipping was very fast. Any time I need new lights I will look here first.”