“I've owned 2 of these, and had 1 calibrated once. This thing it's way too sensitive. I work around inks, and from it being on my clothes this thing has read false positives for over 24 hours at a time. This when I keep it in my glove compartment. I have a conditional license with an ignition interlock system on my car aka blow, n go. If I blow in it, with any alcohol in me I could lose my license, so I use this pretty much every day if I drank anything at all before bed. I will say this though it's better to read to high than to low. I also have a scout, and that thing will read zero often when you have a lot bac which is unacceptable especially for the money, and I had it calibrated just about a month ago if that. NOT COOL! So one reads to low, and the other reads way higher most of the time. Rarely would I say I get an accurate reading, not never, but rarely. Therefore I'm switching brands l to see if they're any more reliable.”