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BACtrack Keychain Black Reviews

3.9 Rating 642 Reviews
Tested it on my husband after he had 1 drink at dinner & it said 0.11, which seems very off... especially since he is not a small man.
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Posted 11 years ago
No enough use yet to comment
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Posted 11 years ago
very sensitive mouthpiece. gives frequesnt false readings
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Posted 11 years ago
Bought this for quick reference !
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Posted 11 years ago
Sir Gentleman
Unverified Reviewer
I am involved in a collegiate sport so I maybe drink once every couple weeks but when I do, I go hard.This is a fun gadget to use to show off to friends just to see how drunk everyone really is. That being said, it is way too easy to skew the results. You have to wait 1 minute between tests in addition to having not smoked, eaten or drank ANYTHING for the 20 minutes prior to the test.Obviously, a drunk person is almost incapable of doing any of this. A friend of mine (6'8" 220 lbs) blew a .22 after only a few beers because he didn't wait long enough to test. Either way, when you follow the rules it seems to be accurate although I've never tried to confirm reading with a second test. As with any civilian breathalyzer, the point is pretty much for it to be a toy/gimmick anyway. The instructions say that you'll need to get it calibrated every 6 months potentially which costs you significant money and with the unrealistic 20 minute no-ingestion rule, this product seems to be asking to get broken. Bottom Line, it seems like a money pit that I'm glad I got as a gift from my sister and didn't actually spend any money on.
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Posted 11 years ago
Carissa Digs Nevada
Unverified Reviewer
I saw one of these at a Christmas party. I won with a .17. My synical friend said that didn't make me a winner, but I wanted one anyways. Accurate enough that if you blow over the legal limit; you shouldn't drive. Had it for 3 months and it still works good.
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Posted 11 years ago
sometimes I question the readings as I can't tell if the unit worked correctly according to the beeps.
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Posted 11 years ago
Comes in handy when you're not sure if you're over the limit.
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Posted 11 years ago