“My friends and family members use this product occasionally when we drink, but we use it just for fun. We rarely rely on it to determine whether or not we are okay to drive, although it has come in handy a couple of times. Sometimes it takes more than one blow to get an accurate reading, but most of the time it seems to work just fine when waiting 20 minutes or more after eating/drinking/smoking.”
“If you wait 20 minutes after your last drink to use it as instructed, you will get pretty accurate results for such a convenient little breathalyzer! (That is the only hard part about it.) I find this tool is very influential with my boyfriend and potentially friends too. It gives them hard facts they can't deny when making important decisions like driving or not. Because it's a keychain, I always have it with me too. I like the 3 washable mouthpieces.”
“Just received it in the mail. Went through the instructions and tested it - quite easy to use. It's very small, so I can throw it in any purse. Haven't used it actually after alcohol consumption, but I'm sure it'll be useful! It was accurate with my test of 0.0! Happy with my purchase!”