“Bought this for a friend awhile ago as a prank gift, turns out it was a perfect gift for him. He has tested it to verify that it works, about one drink .03 takes about 1hr to get out of his system. So far it has proven accurate, although the software used in the app is a little off in predicting when the alcohol will be out of your system by about an hour or so. Otherwise this is a great product.”
“This is my second BACtrack Vio. I lost my first. Both have worked perfectly every time. I would like to log my results without having to share them with everyone on the planet and it would be nice to keep results for more than one person.”
“First one arrived defective, the company sent a replacement immediately...got it in a few days. Put it to the test and it's been an eye opener! I'm petite and have wondered how much of what effects my BAC. I now know!”
“If u want to protect yourself from these totally unfair laws
Please get this product
The laws state u can't drive above a .08
Well how are u supposed to judge a .07 to a .08 or .09
It's like trying to judge between 55 and 56 miles an hr without a speedometer
Please get this product to protect yourself”