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BACtrack S35 Reviews

3 Rating 64 Reviews
I'm not a huge drinker but I do attend the occasional happy hour. I'm sure there's been times when I've been over the legal limit but decided to drive anyways. Now I have something that let's me know for sure. Highly recommended!
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Posted 9 years ago
I purchased the S35 from Walgreens as that was the only one offered. I did the break in procedure and it read .03 on the first 3 samples. One hour later same reading, two hours later same reading and the same reading 3 hours later. I then had a professional reading due to my bond and it was a 0.00 reading. Not happy:) I expect better results fresh from the box after following break in procedure.
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Posted 9 years ago
I use this for multiple reasons, but find it to read false positive easily. Testing after brushing my teeth and eating certain foods or teas. Is this common? Also I have had readings from .04 to .0 then back up to .03. Please advise. Also how durable are they and what would make them un calibrate?
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Posted 9 years ago
Unverified Reviewer
I bought the s35 1 month ago and I still have yet to get any kind of reading from it. The only thing that it says is the letter F or some time it will read 0.00 and I know that is not true.
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Posted 9 years ago
I bought this three months ago. I had a few drinks wanted to test myself. I had a shot and a glass of wine. I tested myself and it registered me at a 0.00. Waited another 20 minutes tested myself again and I was still in a 0.00 do these things need to be recalibrated or what?
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Posted 9 years ago
This thing was a savior for the first 2 1/2 - 3 months. Until today. My last drink was at 6pm last night, i woke up at about 8:30 am and tested myself to see if I could drive. It was at a .10 Now over an 2 hours later it's reading at .14. I will test myself later this evening and see if its just stuck around that reading or what. I only say I'd recommend this product because it worked great at first and was relatively inexpensive.
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Posted 10 years ago
For the first month it appeared to work very well. I may have used it once per weekend and it seemed to be accurate, though I did not have any other device to compare it with. Then it stopped reading anything over .02%. I've used it during roughly 5 different settings where I was well over .02%, as well as others that tested it, and it read either .01% or .02%. Unfortunately, this moderately nicer model doesn't appear to be any better than the cheap ones.
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Posted 10 years ago
tried it after a few beers and a shot of bourbon in a 1 1/2 hour period and it read .04% i could not tell if it was higher as this is the top limit that it reads
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Posted 10 years ago