“I will NEVER drive again without one of these in my car. If I ever was out the night before, I will always use it, for confidence and of course, not get that horrible ticket. I have two, because I need to get one recalibrated. I didn't want to be without one in my car. I am not an alcoholic. I just want to be sure. Nope, I am not paranoid either. I just like the piece of mind.”
“I think I've had 3 BAC s80's in the past 10 years. With several thousand measurements I've taught myself to be able to predict the result within .015. If not, I know I'm not paying proper attention. The reproducibility gives me confidence in its accuracy. This is a superb device for the money. Will help those interested to be aware.”
“I am not a big drinker, but when I go out for a few drinks I use and if over the limit I order some water and sit tight until my BAC is trending downward and under the limit. Highest result so far was .11 on four drinks in about 1.5 hours, had a glass of water and sat tight for about 30 minutes and was down to 0.071. About 4 times out since buying and simulated tests and had consistent results. I plan to also use on my boat this summer at the Lake of the Ozarks which is BWI death trap. With the BACtrack no more worries.”
“I recently went to a dinner with a friend who got a DWI on the way home. I was very surprised as we only had 1-2 drinks each and shared some wine.
I starting using BACtrack and was astonished that my BAC was much higher than I was estimating. The level of drinks or feeling tipsy that I would normally have not driven was actually much higher than 0.8. This device is amazing in that it now helps me clearly understand how many drinks over what period of time I need to be safe.”
“This has been very useful to determine limits for alcohol consumption to keep within legal limits
Checking BAC after a certain number of drinks in a defined time frame, over multiple outings has allowed me to learn when to stop in order to remain safe and legal”
“Real nice unit . Top quality . Wish I had it before I decided to drink and drive thinking I was ok . I could have avoided a DUI by guessing I was "OK" Highly recommend”