“If you are using this for yourself personally to check your blood alcohol content I think it's great. If, on the other hand you are using this to verify somebody's sobriety - say they're in treatment - the machine can be beat. Exhale for five seconds then inhale the rest of the time, it may take some work to clear the chamber but if that happens the machine reads 0.0. Can you incorporate a backflow valve?”
“It works great. It's fun to mess around with and play the whose drunker game but the ladies always cheat and do it right after a shot lol. Really though it's a great product that does it's job respectfully.”
“With a breathalyzer, there is no excuse to get behind the wheel after a night out if drinking is involved. The BACtrack helps in knowing if a person should wait a while or call for a ride. We gave one to both of our sons as well!!”
“This is a wonderful product to help monitor anyone who has had a drinking problem in the past. It could also help your teenager prove they were not drinking. Helps avoid doubts and arguments.”