“Because my teenage children also drive my truck, I decided to have an interlock installed. However, I also enjoy some nights out with my friends from time to time. I purchased the BACtrack a few months ago to tell me if Ibwould be able to drive my truck the morning after. And also as a deterant to my kids drinking. This thing works awesome!! Simple to use!! Thank you!!”
“Having this device available could save thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of your time. My son was caught 2 years ago and finally paid off the last of his fines recently. There is nothing like getting a call from your son to bail him out of jail. Get them one of these before it they go out drinking. Well worth the cost.”
“I bought this product a month ago, and it has already paid for itself. Though I've always got a "Plan B" when going out, It's good to have piece of mind that I am making the right decision. Even more surprising was some of the "morning after" tests. Top product, easy to use. Piece of mind.”
“I bought the BACtrac S-80 Pro about one month ago and have performed many in house test scenario's and have found the device to be very accurate compared to the other brands. I did have a older model BACtrac model S-20 which was not that accurate.”