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BACtrack S80 Reviews

4.7 Rating 650 Reviews
Small, lightweight, discrete and easy to use. Never had a DWI and don't want one! Best to be safe, and this device helps out with that.
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Posted 10 years ago
My wife and I love to enjoy a bottle of wine when we go out to dinner; however, there was concern regarding our ability to drive legally following the meal. This device proved that I was always below the 0.05 limit if we only shared one bottle. It also proved to be a very interesting conversation piece. I once had a calibration problem but the company support that I received was outstanding!
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Posted 10 years ago
I bought this 2 weeks ago and have tried it 7 times. It seems to be accurate and it's really interesting to see exactly how drunk you really are. The one downside to it is that it has to be calibrated regularly but that comes with them all.
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Posted 10 years ago
I bought this and I believe its very accurate. Alcohol content increases gradually w/ each drink and it's nice to realize how toxicity can increase after a drink to absorbs into your system. Afterwards, you can also time toxicity levels back down as well. accurarely. o
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Posted 10 years ago
Excellent tool and it helps me make good decisions. Highly recommend it!
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Posted 10 years ago
This is a No-Brainer. Would you rather spend under $200.00 as a security blanket or have a cop test you to show you how much alcohol it takes to go over legal limit! The latter costs $3000-$8000(legal fees, fines, possible loss of job, plus 5 years Hi- risk insurance which most companies won't allow when driving their vehicles if convicted). Think of how many cab rides you could take for that. I'm not a bar or social club drinker, most times I'm at home having a few. I purchased this for those times I need to run to the grocery store or hardware store and don't think about it until someone accidentally hits me or I get pulled over speeding. I love it it's easy to use, quick accurate results. The fuel cell technology(same the PD's use) also gives me piece of mind for accuracy.
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Posted 10 years ago
I purchased the S80 three weeks ago and am glad I did. It gives accurate results which have allowed friends and I to make the right decision about how to get home from an evening out.
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Posted 10 years ago
Such a great and reliable breathalyzer. You can whip it out for a test any time and gives accurate and repeatable results
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Posted 10 years ago