“I have tried other personal breathalyzers in the past and found them to not be very reliable or accurate. I compared this one to a professional one used by law enforcement and found that it was strikingly accurate and gave consistently similar results.”
“My reason for purchasing this product had nothing to do with whether I should be driving or not, but whether my (alcoholic)husband was lying to me about his alcohol consumption or not. Since this purchase, my husband figured out there was no point in lying to me anymore and has decided to get help. It's too early to tell, but this purchase may end up saving...or ending...my marriage. Either way, at least I know the truth. Thank you !!”
“As a large man, I can drink a lot. But I never really knew where tipsy and drunk was. After Alberta changed the threshold to 0.05%, I decided to not chance being tipsy behind the wheel. Any breathalyzer might have worked, but I wanted to be confident that the results would keep me and my friends safe. So I paid the extra price. It paid for itself the first month, when I blew 0.06 unexpectedly and waited an hour. The main problems are 1) it's not subtle when you use it at the bar. So you have to excuse yourself or just not care. I think you can turn the sound off, but it's never really an issue in a loud bar anyway. 2) it needs to be warm. So, if I keep it in my car, when it is -20 out, I have to warm it or plan ahead and bring it with me. Worth the money. Changed my drinking habits for the better!”
“I use this product when there is a party with friend and when the machine indicate 0.06 nobody take their car. I analyzed with police equipment and the result was very good my machine indicate 0.089 instead of 0.095 the police machine. It's near the real résult”
“For the price, the peace of mind it buys is worth it! I use this ALL THE TIME. I am subject to random PBT, so I use it every morning. I was concerned that it wouldn't be as accurate as the device they use but it hasn't let me down and I'm pretty convinced that it is just as accurate as any device used in a "professional" setting. Another great use for me is ensuring that I am below limit to drive--I was really suprised to see the times when I felt absolutely safe to drive I was well over .08 limit. I would definately recommend the S80.”