“I sent my 5 plus year old S80 for recalibration but alas, it was DOA. BACtrack called to inform me my S80 had met its maker but they provided me with a significant discount on a new one. The new device arrived a few days later and works perfectly.”
“Sent in two units -- one 5 years old, the other about 18 months owned by my adult daughter, both for routine recal. The 5 year old one failed and I was offered a discount on a replacement -- which I took.
You can't really argue with a 5 year service life on something like this. It's a fuel cell and the reactants are, over time, consumed. When they run out then they do and the most-expensive part of the device is probably the sensor; electronics are cheap, especially nowdays.
The transaction was handled quickly and I really like the unit. I often enjoy an adult beverage when out with friends and as a means of being SURE that I'm not overdoing it -- it's well worth the investment. After a reasonable period of time, if you check every time even with just one beer or glass of wine, you know how you feel for a given amount of consumption which is where the real value is in that even if you're not driving, or don't have a vehicle with you at all, you learn over time what a given level of impairment feels like -- and that in turn informs your decision IN the bar -- do I have another one or say "nope, I'm good"?
If you enjoy adult beverages responsibly you should own one of these -- even if you never have more than one when operating a vehicle or similar, as knowledge is power and the risk associated with alcohol consumption in social settings is not limited to operating a vehicle (obviously.)”
“Read many online comments about people who sent in units that, for some reason, could not be calibrated and BACtrack was kind enough to just replace the unit. Ours unit was older but had barely any use and they only offered a discount on a new one. Hate to ever write a bad review but we own a few of these and thought we would be considered true customers... not anymore.”
“I received a short email stating my breathalyzer was not able to be calibrated. I was not given any reason to why it couldn't be fixed, just a $40 coupon if I wanted to spend more money.”