What was your primary motivation for purchasing this course?
Learn a new skill, Celebrity-interest, Entertainment
“Had no idea what to expect with this but love Trinny and signed up initially just for her course then bought the whole thing. Her course is amazing and this is from someone years into my business - it’s not just for those starting out. I’ve bought these classes before with celebrities and often it’s a lot of fluff. Hers is straight to the point, practical, honest and real advice. It’s made me think of so many ways I can improve my existing business. Have recommended her course to loads of friends already and excited to get stuck into the rest of the courses from BBC Maestro. (It’s also made me want to invest more into her brand which I already buy as I love the products)”
What was your primary motivation for purchasing this course?
Learn a new skill
“Basically I am a NEW PERSON!!!!
Loved it thank yououououououoo Trinny Woodall for all the juicy hot tips weeeeeee!!!
Truly though, very authentic and sage advice for us wild entrepreneurs. Loved how she kept it real, sharing stories with marvellous lessons. Not all her stories were flattering either! Very impressive and will heed all. I also very much enjoyed how she interacted and advised the entrepreneur she chatted with. Not quite finished the course yet but love love love.”