“As a Combat Veteran and tactical gear junkie, I have worn many styles and makes of plate carriers throughout my Military and LE career now, from the old Interceptor, to the Eagle MBAV and everywhere in between.
This carrier takes the top spot easy, with it's modularity, light weight, and obvious attention to detail in it's manufacturing. The MAP system is a dream come true, and the fact that it can be worn completely slick is a selling point in itself. My only complaint is that it does have 3/4" buckles as opposed to the industry standard 1" buckle, so placard options are limited to LBX OEM panels and placards.
Still, I give this carrier a 5/5 for it's innovation, comfortability even with level IV plates, and its build quality. If you are in need of a modular plate carrier for duty use, look no further than the Armatus II.”