How would you rate the design of this product?
How would you rate the value of this product?
How would you rate the design of this product?
How would you rate the value of this product?
“ There's no area on the cover to open and plug in your charger. So you have to take it slightly off to plug in the charger.”
How would you rate the design of this product?
How would you rate the value of this product?
“ Easy to use and protects the camera from rain”
How would you rate the design of this product?
“ Fits Tue camera really well and easy to put on.”
How would you rate the design of this product?
How would you rate the value of this product?
“ The silicone case is a great idea, however it obscures the main ring light, leaving only the flashing light visible”
How would you rate the design of this product?
How would you rate the value of this product?
“ Kind of blocks the bezel lights.”
How would you rate the design of this product?
How would you rate the value of this product?
“ Clumsy, mine's black, difficult to put on and off without lenses falling out. Lenses smudge very easily and distort the picture. Interferes with turning the light on and needs to removed EVERY charging. It doesn't improve water resistance so what does it actually do?”