“I've used the FLY 6 & 12 for over a year now with good results. This is my 2nd FL6 as the previous one failed & was returned and replaced. The images are excellent and I have successfully uploaded many to the local police service. I don't like the flap door on the FLY6, its not precise and feels flimsy. The FL12 is better designed than the FL6.”
“Seems to be considerably enhanced to the previous version which I also owned but had to replace because it proved not to be water resistent enough in just wet road conditions (still cross about that and the money it costs me).
I therefore purchased the rubber housing with this one, but have to say I am not particularly happy with it, because the two little glass pieces keep on falling out when putting the cover back on after recharging the device - certainly room for improvement there”
“Works as described. Video is clear enough to use as evidence. I could read every registration plate on all passing vehicles. Only had it for a few weeks. I will see if it will last for a while without any problems.”