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Hockey Jock Short System Reviews

3 Rating 1 Reviews
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1880 Holste Rd #101,

As a whole, this equipment is not very effective or comfortable. When the cost is considered there are far more effective options at almost a third of the price. The quality of the product and materials are undeniable, they just do not work as intended. The front of the brief is not long enough to sit in the correct position. Originally I purchased the large size as it matched my waist measurement and it was not long enough. I went to the 2XL size thinking this would alleviate the issue and there is very little difference for the front, but now the back of this cup sits well above my hip line which is much better than the large size which sat noticeably below my waistline. The draw string does practically nothing to secure this in place, when I am playing I will have to adjust this system at least 3 times a game and the way in which the draw string is designed, it does not allow itself to be tied to be secured. The multiple support angles on the cup do very little to secure the cup to my body when skating and mostly seem to pull the fabric of the short system in upon itself, which is why I am regularly adjusting the cup to pull it back up to where it should be, this happens about every 3rd shift that I skate. The way the cup sits in the jock system is not effective or comfortable. There is no space whatsoever in this design for the cup actually provide protection, it creates a flat back on the cup that presses against the body which does not adequately protect the intended target. The straps do not allow for the cup to shift out of place laterally, as I have seen with other similar products, which is very important as it will stay where it is designed to stay, but the area where it is designed to be is not where I would need it for the most common impact. It is flat out not effective in protecting the targeted area as it does not comfortably cover the area. I would recommend a larger and deeper cup size and allowing for the cup to sit higher in the jock system would provide a much higher level of comfort. The velcro is perfectly placed and is of a very high quality, the adhesive and stitching seems durable and I’ve had no issue with this holding my socks up. Overall, it is better than no cup or a budget option that will shift from side to side during skating but this product feels incompatible with the motion of hockey as it is currently designed. If money is no object this system is a good addition to the rotation, the padding on the cup itself is a great choice but at the price and with the current design I would not recommend this product.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago