“Another tranquil creation by Ensar Oud. Compared to this original Kyara Koko, the ‘92 edition is sweeter and a tad powdery on me. That would be the sandalwood doing its magic.
That said, the composition still retains that grounded, earthy quality. I remember during my school days in India, our school would take us on these nature walks after the seasonal rains had subsided. This one particular time, we’d finished a really long trek in the highlands of Maharashtra and retreated to our lodging.
The cabin was constructed from a mix of local logs and bricks, but with a luxury chic. There, our history teacher - who was of Korean descent - had prepared what could only be described as an industrial vat of green tea. The citrusy vibes of the leaves permeated the air, the cool breeze of the jungle mingled with the wafts of incense.
All I can tell you is that even now, when I look back at that moment in time, I feel a sense of relief and serenity drape me, like a protective blanket of zen. I don’t spray too much of Kyara Koko ‘92 when I wear it. It’s a fragrance I’m not looking to get noticed for. In my mind, It’s meant to be humble, at ease and meditative.
It’s for me. It’s my log cabin. It’s my tea. It’s my comforter. Gimme shelter.”