How effective is this product?
How easy to use is this product?
“Great product.”
How effective is this product?
How easy to use is this product?
“It's expensive but it noticeably reduced my eye symptoms.”
How effective is this product?
How easy to use is this product?
“have helped with my dry eyes”
How effective is this product?
How easy to use is this product?
“Seems to help my dry eyes”
How effective is this product?
How easy to use is this product?
“I feel really good taking this product. When taken at your heaviest meal there is no after taste at all.”
How effective is this product?
“Seems to work for my dry eyes”
How effective is this product?
How easy to use is this product?
“Includes omega 3 from rTG, recommended by my optometrist.”
How effective is this product?
How easy to use is this product?
“Great product.”