“Only two flowers unusable. However, when they arrived I realised that even though they’re marketed as ‘edible’ they’re not actually organic so I could have just gone to b&q and bought a tray of pansy plants for £3. These should be organic if ppl are going to eat them else they will have chemicals like pesticides on them.”
“It was a lovely product, packaged and delivered with care. It was a luxury item for a special occasion. I would use them again but in a different way because the flowers need to be kept chilled to last and I put them on a cake with royal icing on a warm day. They did wilt. They looked fine but not perfect.”
“Fresh, high quality and pretty. Plus when I called asking for advice on how to use them (my first edible fresh flowers purchase....) they were knowledgeable and helpful.”
“The quality of the edible flowers were great! I just wish I could have got more for the value which was still very good considering this is was for a niche product.”