“The Women’s Coaching specialization has been tremendously helpful for me AND my clients. It gives me a topic to discuss to show apprehensive potential clients that they will be safe working with me. They appreciate the validation that fitness is a different world for most of them than their male counterparts experiences.”
“I’ve been coaching (mostly women) for several years now and this Certification and process was fantastic for me in a couple ways:
First, the information provided contained not only great reminders of things I’d learned before but had not been applying sufficiently into my coaching, but also the course provided me with invaluable new information that will inform my coaching for years to come!
The other major plus for me was just how many valuable resources are provided throughout the course to make my job as a coach SO easy!”
“The GGS-1 women’s Coaching specialist course was one of the best courses I have taken! I specialize in working with women and all of the personal training courses I had originally taken seemed to be geared mostly towards men. Having a course that was primarily focused on training women was just what I needed! I would highly recommend this course to anyone that is a trainer because it thoroughly explains and teaches you not only the way to train women but also how to incorporate training with specific needs of women. This course was a career game changer for me!”
“Great textbook - relevant workbook to back up textbook - such a great course at the right level of education- they have honestly got it spot on . Would recommend anyone who is an advocate of strong women to invest in this course”
“This certification teaches you everything from how to connect with women while being aware of what can be triggering to how to handle creating exercise and nutrition plans that are manageable and achievable. This course gave me the tools I needed to help women finally love their body, love what their body is capable and to pour love into it through exercise and nutrition.”
“I started this program thinking I would not finish like lots of other coaching programs. I haven't stopped reviewing this one again! I left other programs as they were pushing an agenda I didn't like.
This one has let me figure my own path without having an agenda!”