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Women's Coaching Specialist Certification Reviews

4.9 Rating 233 Reviews
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Great textbook - relevant workbook to back up textbook - such a great course at the right level of education- they have honestly got it spot on . Would recommend anyone who is an advocate of strong women to invest in this course
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
This certification teaches you everything from how to connect with women while being aware of what can be triggering to how to handle creating exercise and nutrition plans that are manageable and achievable. This course gave me the tools I needed to help women finally love their body, love what their body is capable and to pour love into it through exercise and nutrition.
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Posted 6 months ago
There ware a lot of general info and not to much practical info for actual program design and nutrition advice you should give your clients!
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Posted 6 months ago
I started this program thinking I would not finish like lots of other coaching programs. I haven't stopped reviewing this one again! I left other programs as they were pushing an agenda I didn't like. This one has let me figure my own path without having an agenda!
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Posted 6 months ago
I am only one unit into the women's coaching specialist certification so far, as I had a delayed start but I am really enjoying it to far. I am doing it alongside the pre and post natal certification and I find them both really easy to follow. I like the suggested format of reading the chapter, completing the workbook and then taking the exam in order to break down the learning into achievable steps. I also really love the workbook part as I find the written aspect really helps me absorb the information. I love the extra online resources and find that everything about the cert is really detailed and Informative, I truly feel that I will be able to positively impact a lot of women's lives after taking these certifications due to the information I am learning from them. I had a huge block to studying as I have been away from education for almost 10 years now due to focusing on my children but have found I am really enjoying studying and learning again.
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Posted 6 months ago
Women are not small men. Our bodies are different and I love that GGS is bringing the most up to date and relevant information to help women be more understood by Coaches. Coaches who can have a huge impact on their lives. Every time we work with a woman, that woman will absorb what is taught to her and share it with others. We as coaches have the ability to impact how future generations are taught about their bodies and with the information provided by GGS, we can be sure that information is helpful, not harmful. Big thanks to Molly and the team!
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Posted 6 months ago
As a teacher, I can appreciate the format of this course as it benefits all learners. From text, video, notes and quizzes, everyone is covered at your own pace. I am know more confident in training women of all ages as the knowledge I received for this course is easily applicable as it is practical. I am empowered to be and give my best to my clients.
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Posted 6 months ago
What a beautiful masterpiece! I absolutely loved the material and going through each chapter/lessons, the videos online are extremely helpful and informative. As someone who studied fitness and health for over a decade, I was very impressed to learn new information and techniques in the GGS certifications. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in helping women’s health. No matter your experience this course is for you :) Currently taking the Pre/Post Natal certification and I look forward to read and learn all about the menopause certification’ Thank you!
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Posted 6 months ago