“Having been through menopause as a solitary journey and being a life coach, the certification gave me many tools and frameworks with which to help my clients, beyong my own experience. Many of the frameworks were consistent with my previous certificates as well,”
“This course is very thorough and detailed. It is focused on mesopause as a transition but provides a holistic approach to coaching women in general. I am especially impressed with the course material. The workbook is a great reference material and the workbook provides excellent exercises to master what you are learning and both can be used as reference material even after you’ve completed the course!”
“This course provides thorough coverage of all the issues affecting women and more specifically menopausal women. It gives me the knowledge to help my women clients with issues specific to them and allows me to be a resource and outlet for them. It also provides me with the nuance to market myself as an authority on “older” women’s fitness.”
“I am very satisfied with the method of teaching, the course structure, the book and the workbook. Everything was above my expectations. Very detailed course book, plus the online text lectures and video lectures were very helpful. Tons of resources, downloadable materials.”