“I use them in wading boots in Australia and New Zealand and have done so for many years.
They are toptally superior to other studs that I have used and confidence in your stability in and out of the water is so important as we age.”
“I have not used the Grip Studs in the field yet, but I am traveing to New Zealand soon for a fly fishing trip so I'm sure I'll get pleanty of use out of them. I found them easy to install when using a cordless screw driver as opposed to the hand tool, it was difficult to put pressure and turn at the same time. The cordless driver was very easy, you just have to make sure not to go too fast and over drive the stud into the sole.”
“This is my second set. Absolutely love these. I have them in my wading boots that I wear with my waders and recently purchased a new set of boots to wear during wet wading season and wanted the same traction. Super excited to have two setups now. I highly recommend getting them.”