“I need a good amount of proteine during the day, been shedding weight pretty easily by focussing on proteine intake. These bars are great for that. But that taste... It has nothing to do with banana and it's dryer than the sahara desert. If you like biting into a bucket of sand, don't look any further: this is your snack... All kidding aside, nutritional values are good but they need to do something about the taste.”
“Ich hatte die Sorte Vanille. War vom Geschmack her ganz gut. Musste mich zusammen reißen das ich nicht die ganze Packung in ner Woche verdrücke. Ich hab mir die Riegel hauptsächlich geholt um die Finger von Schokolade oder andere Süßigkeiten zu lassen. Eiweiß dämpft generell den Heißhunger auf süßes.”