“OMG, so happy with it!! I was very doubtful about the quality but they are actually very good. Soft, smooth and so far they look good.I very much hope they will last. Will update if not.”
“I feel like I'm channeling Ariana Grande with this color. It's so beautiful! In dim lighting it looks more brownish but in the sunlight it looks stunningly vibrant. The overall quality and thickness of the hair is the best I've seen. I bought the Royal Remy Rosewood Red 22 inch extensions. They are luxury but so worth it! I had a hard time finding people who have purchased this color so if you want to see a picture of mine here is a link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1267449713318947&set=a.545089218888337.1073741827.100001617901897&type=3&theater”
“I tried post this review a couple of times, but sometime must have gone wrong because I don't see it. I would like to thank you \u2013 Irresistible ME- for the free shipping in Europe. It has been a pleasure and I am thoroughly satisfied with the quality of these clip ins!”
“I received my extensions within 10 days of ordering them! First I read all the reviews and all were good! And if go to youtube it's exactly how they say you'll receive them! I really really recommend them! After 3 pregnancies, my hair began to thin & fall out! was skeptical at first about using extensions, but they look very natural and the volume is exactly what I wanted. I have full & lucious hair again! I am very picky so these have absolutely passed my test! I am a very please customer!!”
“These are great hair extensions! So much hair. Great price for 260g. As for me, once toned with purple shampoo they have been the perfect matched for my hair!”
“I know that maybe is not the Hair Extensions, but when I used my old fashion curler, they've got a little bit tangled. Now I have washed them and there all okay, no longer tangled. So try the washing idea if you have this problem.”