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invisible clip-in hair extensions chocolate brown. 16" / Classic Reviews

3 Rating 1 Reviews
How well does the color match?
Not at all
Perfect match
How user-friendly was the packaging?
Not at all
Very ease to use
To cut to the chase, the hair sheds pretty badly. And in broken pieces. After the first attempt at grooming - brushing & straightening - my bathroom vanity and sink were littered with broken hair everywhere. It would be one thing if the strands were coming out in long single pieces but they are coming out broken. It's odd. Otherwise the extensions are pretty okay. The hair seems nics and styles easily. I do feel like the wefts are a little long as compared to the clips - or maybe the clips are close enough to the ends of the wefts, leaving longish pieces of weft that can get exposed/in the way. Otherwise they are great bc they are so flat. I have pretty then hair and I added every piece except 1 and the wefts were completely hidden. Overall I am happy with the look but I doubt I would buy again. At this price point the breakage shouldn't be happening.
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Posted 3 weeks ago