“The product was good quality and worked as described first go. It was a bit expensive for the kit but if you compare what it would cost and the headaches it would create to remove a damaged plug it is cheap insurance, plus ongoing diff oil changes will be trouble free. Happy with the purchase.”
“As I already stripped off too much of the front differential drain plug on the 120 Prado, this front differential tool wasn't useful to remove the plug. However this front differential plug tool was great to remove the front differential filler plug. My plan is to weld this tool to the front differential filler plug so the replacement front differential plugs will be the same 24mm socket size. If you have purchased this product or reviewed this, it is probably because you've already stripped the front differential drain plug too far you couldn't get it off. I had to weld a old socket to the front differential drain plug then attached a ratchet to remove it (best to use half inch drives). Don't forget to disconnect your battery when welding! The tool was great and the replacement plug fitted as it should. If you need assistance with welding to remove this, I'm happy to assist for no cost. I'm based in Sydney. Contact me emmanuelazzopardi1@hotmail.com.
Please ensure you purchase this tool and replacement plug prior to removing the plugs. Kaon does not sell the front differential filler plug so please ensure you buy the tool so you don't strip it!”