“It’s not advisable for you to buy this unless you are already familiar with the product, you NEED to buy a firestick to actually watch most streaming services as Kayo or Disney wouldn’t play. This is not mentioned in the product description which definitely should be the 1st things described on the products usage. So if you want to buy this for casting your phone or facebook or instagram YouTube then you don’t need anything else but if you’re a footy fan then you’ll be buying the firestick”
“I'm guessing that my wife has bought this for my birthday in 10 days time and because she is organized has things bought well in advance. Also she pops things like this in my name for warranty issues in the future. But now I have to act surprised when I openy gift. Can youaybe delay the review request for 30+ days? Might help to keep future things a surprise.”
“We lived our our friends kickass projector so much that we decided to get our own!
Unfortunately, after 4 uses, we noticed permanent white dots in the display.
Shortly after on a trip, the remote was misplaced.
Now this wouldn't be a huge deal since there are buttons on the unit but apparently from the screen mirror sync screen, there is no way to return home without the remote.
Now we have a 280 dollar light emitting paper weight.”
“Bought this for our daughter, it works great, we hook 5 Bluetooth speakers up to it and it pumps. When we aren't camping it has been getting set up in the backyard for increasing regular movie nights. Really good product and great after sales service”
“I must be doing something wrong. When I try to use it when camping it's like a lottery as to whether it will work or not. Only way it will sometimes work is through mirrorcast but even then, it will say there is no device 90% of the time then finally projector will show up as an option. Finally got it going through mirrorcast, but wifi wasn't loading the movie. When it works its ok but not confident offering 'movie night' only to have disappointed kids again and again.”
Hi Trent, sorry to hear about the issues with your 12V Portable Outdoor Cinema Projector. Please head over to our website support portal and watch the video that includes some helpful tips. If you still experience issues please submit a warranty ticket. After you submit the ticket, a member from our support team will be in touch to try and fix this issue:https://supportportal.kickassproducts.com.au/kickass-portable-projector/ I apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.