“I finally "read" this book after it's been on my bookshelf for 3 years! This movie format is so consumable for me because I learn better visually than I do by reading words. And, I don't think I'm alone. I'm excited to put these concepts into practice now that I've "seen" them, and I can't help wondering...how would my own books be received if I turned them into movies??”
“I read the book years ago. This video served as an excellent reminder of the content. It was engaging and fascinating to watch. I took a lot of notes and am brainstorming again on how to implement the concepts in my work. I will be rereading the book as well. Nice work!”
“I am a huge audiobook listener and this is remarkable! I have not read the book but this video book kept it simple and point out the key messages that the book focused on.”
“I'm a visual learner and this video book format is a complete breakthrough! I loved it and learned a ton! I couldn't stop watching it and viewed it in one sitting. Loved the value proposition to purchase the book. $28 value for $10, with code, 20% off, now only $8.”