“I originally missed out on the EQD V1 and V2, and didn't want to pay the hyperinflated used prices. In the interim, I'd attempted to piece together something similar with relatively cheap pedals, but failed miserably.
Something got me thinking about it again and a quick google search showed EQD had finally launched the production model, even though there was no chance of missing out this time, I still jumped in quickly and Modern Musician had by FAR the best prices.
It arrived quickly, I plug it in and... SO MUCH DOOM! I didn't even get in the ballpark of this thing! It's so versatile, although that's only if you have the self-control to not just dime everything and open the gates to hell!
It might be pricey, but it's a fuzz pedal that could retire all your old ones. Don't be afraid, it is as good as the reviews make it sound, get on it!”
“Absolute beast of a pedal, sounds excellent on my guitar and bass. Sounds best on 7 or 8 string guitars. 10/10 would purchase again if damaged, lost or stolen.”