“Arrived super fast from Europe to Canada. This formula has better ingredients than most, which is great for my baby when needed, and he likes it as well.9”
“This milk is the reason my first born son who is now 3 weighs 45 lbs and is just as smart and big as most 5 year olds. This product is no substitute for good parenting but it sure does help give them the good nutrients they need until you can start feeding solid foods.”
“My son son was born premature and had horrible GERD and while he was in the hospital, I had an over supply of milk I pumped, and he did great. but as soon as he came home my milk dried up and we had to resort to formula. We tried Similac pro, Enfamil neuropro, nutramigen, alimentum, AND gentlease and he did not do well on any of them except the gentlease, but he still got rashy,! After looking at the ingredients it was just not what I wanted to feed my baby. Especially for how expensive it is! After researching, and trial and error we found out that he has a cow milk protein sensitivity and needs the a2 protein of goat milk. (Cow is a1) The goat formula has cleared his excema and rashes he is less fussy gassy and colicky and his burps come up much easier! And he has been sleeping 12 hours at night with only 1 wake to feed :D he also looooves the taste. I could not be happier. I ordered 4 boxes at first but now I'm going to do the subscribe and save.”