“I was originally using HIPP Goat for my baby girl starting at 6 weeks and we transitioned to HIPP Dutch Stage 1 and it has been great! My baby loves to drink it and is growing very healthy and strong! The team from My Organic Formula is so helpful and kind. Very fast to delivery to Canada!”
“A million times better than Enfamil pr any other products sold on the shelves in Canada. Noticed a difference within a day or two of switching. Way less gas and bloating. And the gas he did have didn't make him so uncomfortable that he couldn't sleep. Highly recommend”
“My son had been doing well with the HiPP German but we just switched to the Dutch one and hes doing great so far! Love the clean ingredients and I feel so good about feeding my baby this. Price difference compared to the Enfamil a+ premium is actually a tad cheaper for us! We love it!”