“Made my first water dispenser for my new brooder with these and a 2.5 gallon flip lid re-purposed cat litter pail. Easy to install the devices in the bucket with a drill and a small pliers for just the last few turns. No leaks! Pullets trained themselves quickly. So easy!”
“These nipples are much better than the kind that hang below the water bucket. These do not leak and appear to be more freeze proof since the rubber washer stopping the water is In the heater bucket. So far so good! I would recommend these over wny other type out there.”
“The girls aren't really fond of these. If that is their only water source, they will use them but if anything else is available...even if they have to wait...they will drink else where. Also, they do freeze..maybe not all but a few.”
“I start my baby chicks on these nipples when they‚Äôre 2 weeks old. It keeps their water clean and doesn‚Äôt require water being replaced every day. No more poopy water!”