“These are better than some other brands I have tried and a good price. I ordered one pack to test and they worked good so I ordered alot more! Love that they can't get the water dirty!
I have tried them with success on adult chickens and juvenile chukars. Button quail could not move the valve to get water out. Will be trying them on coturnix and chicks soon.”
“These were brainlessly easy to install and high quality. My chickens took to them immediately. I'm glad I bought from a trusted source and not some knock-off on Amazon.”
“Installed in a five gallon bucket. Very easy. It seems that my chickens have to work really hard to get water. I worry that they won‚Äôt get enough water with this setup. I‚Äôll probably go back to the regular waterer.”
“So far so good. Installation was easy and I‚Äôm not that handy. No leaks. Hopefully they hold up well. My chickens learned to use the nipples after only one ‚Äúteaching‚Äù session. They were fascinated! I love that the water stays clean!”