The Brown Egg Layer assortment has such wonderful breeds to add to any backyard flock! We are happy to hear that they are bringing you happiness and you can look forward to many eggs! Please let us know any time if you have any questions or concerns. My Pet Chicken is happy to help!
“A gorgeous assortment of happy healthy chicks. It's my second time ordering this assortment, but I have ordered many times from MPC, always a happy curtomer.”
We are so happy to hear about your babies! The assortments are great to establish a wonderful backyard flock! It's always so much fun to see which breeds arrive! Always feel free to let us know if we can help with anything - we are here to help!
“I love my assortment! I ordered 5 assorted brown egg layer just to add some new to my flock. 1 did turn out to be a rooster (buff Orpington) but I just love him so I wasn’t even upset! (No I did not email my pet chicken because for me it was fine to have a rooster in the pack even though I did order 5 hens)
I received my chicks the week of Jan.23rd and they all just started laying in the last 4-5 weeks! (6-6.5 months old)
In my pack of 5 I received
2x red blue laced Wyandotte
2x silver laced Wyandotte
1x Bluff Orpington who ended up being a rooster.
So please with all of them! Gorgeous birds and all new to my flock.
Arrived happy and healthy”
Thank you, Shelbi, for taking the time to review our chicks! They are adorable little ones and we hope your brood continues to bring you joy! While we are sorry that sexing error happened on your previous order, our vent experts do their absolute best in checking the 15 teeny tiny shapes to determine if they are male or female before we ship them to our customers. So far, we have a 95% sexing accuracy rate but if the unfortunate mistake does happen, we have our guarantee to ensure you are properly refunded for the error. We are thankful that you found My Pet Chicken and will always do our best to make your experience the best it can be!