“All my chicks arrived healthy and alive! They’re all thriving! My only regret with choosing an “assortment” is that I don’t know what i got, not sure who are brown eggers and who are blue/green eggers, or what breeds they are and I wish I did!! Overall great experience with MPC”
What beautiful little babies they are! Thank you so much for sharing the adorable little peepers with all of us. Although we do not have a list of what is sent when assortments are chosen, we are more than happy to help you figure it out, so feel free to contact our Flock Care Specialist for assistance via phone, email, or chat. And, if you like solving mysteries for yourself, we have a baby chick identifier page that is VERY helpful. https://www.mypetchicken.com/pages/baby-chick-identification-photos
“Excellent service from MyPetChicken and the US post office. Communication and education from MyPetChicken was outstanding. Our chickens were supposed to arrive on the 2nd day, but a wonderful gentleman from a post office 15-miles from ours called and asked if we wanted to drive to get them there or get them the next day from our post office. Of course, we drove to get them that day. All was well with the chickens and they adapted to their brooder quickly. They have been with us now for 10-days and have grown so quickly. Some are socializing with us. Thank you for the excellent service.”
“Received 15. No bands so I‚Äôm not sure what they are. One came very weak but made it!! I‚Äôll call her squirt! They came in the middle of Louisiana‚Äôs great snow storm so they are inside and loving it!!!!”
“I couldn't decide what to order because I have or have had several of the breeds listed. You can't go wrong with this selection. I ordered 3 to fill out my order and I received a barred rock (one of my favorite breeds and she is friendly like the others I've had), a buff orpington (super sweet too), and I believe the third is a RIR but she looks a lot like my buckeyes. she is too young to tell but when her comb starts developing I will know for sure. I will definitely order from the assortment again!”