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Baby Chicks: Easter Egger Bantam Female Reviews

4.6 Rating 43 Reviews
we ordered one easter egger with our 6 other chicks that we ordered and that put our order behind a month. it was all worth it. my daughter took our little EE everywhere in the house and handled her till she grew up. our new girls aren't laying yet, but Quinnie is known to jump into your arms or lap and fall asleep. she is a silver duckwing colored bird and was victim to a hawk attack the other week... we are happy say that all of our birds made it, and Quinnie is such a fighter she made it through even though the hawk came after her first... our flock wouldn't be what it is without her... so excited to see what eggs she lays soon! their personalities and colors are so incredibly diverse! highly, highly recommend this mix!
3 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Chicks arrived healthy and alert. Out of a straight run, I got 4 hens and 2 roosters. All starting laying very early and I am getting 1 light olive green egg and 4 blue eggs of various hues. They are all very friendly and run to greet me when I get home from work. I am so happy I ordered them!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Our little Buttercup is the prettiest chicken; she's still maturing, but she went from being the cutest in the batch to being the most beautiful cream and brown. We had an unusual cold spell in May when we got them, so she used to snuggle up to my hand to get warm, so adorable. She gets along great with the standard size chickens and we can't wait to see what color eggs she will lay!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
She has beautiful coloring and arrived healthy with her siblings! She is so sleepy all the time. She’ll fall asleep standing up and if you hold her just right, her chirping will suddenly stop and she’s knocked out! She’s spunky and loves to explore. She gives endless entertainment. She’s still very young, so we’ll see what she’s like what she gets older, but for now she’s tame, but still has a mind of her own! Independent woman lol.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Hen Solo is not very friendly to people, but she’s a good flock mate. She’s a beautiful golden color with some silver around her neck. We have been anxiously awaiting her first egg and the little bluish egg arrived this week! She doesn’t seem to be a prolific layer (the barred rock bantam we have has been laying most days for about a month now!), but her beautiful eggs are worth it!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
When I ordered my first 5 chicks from MPC, I added an Easter Egger Bantam in hopes of having small blue eggs...I didn't get a hen that layed small blue eggs--she laid cream-colored eggs. But what I DID get, was one very remarkable, amazing little friend! My Clementina was, by FAR, the friendliest, most fearless and curious hen of the mix! She was healthy, robust, knew how to take care of herself, and could easily intimidate hens 5x her size, when she had to. She was a prolific layer of her little eggs, which were actually quite large, when you took into account that she was the size of a large pigeon! And she kept laying into her 8th spring. This little peep had a HUGE personality! As soon as she could "fly", she was up onto my arm, my lap...my sandwich...LOL One of my best memories was getting her to fall asleep, cooing, as I gently stroked her. She was special. Little Clem passed away a few months ago at the age of 8 1/2 -- due to a case of fly strike :( I'm considering rebuilding my flock and although I know I cannot replace Clementina, I definitely want to add at least a few of these spunky little banties to my backyard flock!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I love my EE bantam. She's almost a year old and lays green eggs, almost olive colored, that are big for her size. She is 2 lbs 5 oz and is the perfect mini version of my LF Easter Egger but she is more calm and quiet. She is perfect in every way and we can't get enough of her personality.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I ordered two of these birds in fall 2018, and they were by far THE cutest chicks I've *ever* seen. They were both a lavender mousy brown/gray, and one (Luna) grew up to be a warm white with some brown-sugar lacing and lays blue eggs. Ginny is gold, ochre, and "dirt"-colored and lays green eggs. They both have fluffy cheeks and are sweet. A little flighty, but, they live with standards so who can blame them. Their eggs are perfect! Ginny goes broody fairly often but she's not mean about it. They are hardy and did well as young birds in the Utah winter. I adore them. I wish I could afford a whole flock of EE bantams!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago