“Out of the 5 sexed pullets I ordered, we had one early death at 3 days, and one rooster crowing at 6 weeks. The three little pullets left are full of personality though! Two white and gray and one in shades of tan. They're perky and curious and I love them to bits! Even the rooster is a very sweet chick, although it's proving pretty difficult to rehome him, which we'll have to do because of the crowing before we can process the mis-sexing at ten weeks. Oh well. We'll try again next year.”
“We ordered one easter egger bantam as part of our mixed flock of 6. She is a gorgeous snow white with dark blue feet! She isn't the friendliest of the 6, but she will tolerate having my 9 year old son pick her up to hold her. She is full of spunk and fun to watch. When she arrived as a 1 day old chick, she was very lethargic and I didn't think she would make it. But this girl is tough and she pulled through just fine and is thriving today! We love our little easter egger!”
“Our EE bantam is very small and slender, and a good layer of relatively large aqua eggs. She's very pretty, snow white with black lace patterns. She's the most shy and flighty in our mixed breed flock and has no interest in people whatsoever. She went broody in spring and successfully hatched 2 of 6 eggs (I think 6 was too many for her to cover; they were enormous Marans eggs). She's been a devoted mother, though she's not assertive enough to defend her chicks effectively. At five weeks her two chicks are almost as big as she is, but she still tucks one under each wing every night.”
“I enjoy the bird and she lays fairly regularly. She's definitely one of the smartest chickens we've owned She's low on the chicken yard ranking but doesn't seem to let that bother her much. She is a little too good at flying, though, and has a streamlined body so she can make it to the roof, even though we've clipped one of her wings. I thought she'd do less flying once she started laying but not yet.
The only difference between her eggs and the other brown egg layers is hers are an odd shape (very wide at one end) and occasional darker freckles.
I was so disappointed about the dull eggs (and it's unnerving when she tries to fly into the yard with a hungry dog) that I first gave her three stars--but really, she's too engaging to downgrade that much. And she's pretty to have around. Not splashy, but her brown feathers are pretty.”
“She is SO talkative. She just talks and talks!! Most of the time it is a sweet, quiet tone but she can get loud! I enjoy listening to her. She is a bantam so she does not lay much but neither does my other one I purchased from a farm store so I'm not surprised and not docking her. Her eggs are adorable and bluish/green. She is lively and fun!”
“I ordered 20 Easter Egger Bantams in 2016. These birds are gorgeous to look at, lay big green/blue eggs, and are great broody hens if you let them. My biggest complaint is that they are crazy. I feel as if they would do much better in a free-range, limited human contact set-up. I sold off most of my flock but kept my three favorite hen's in a large coop and then I let my 2 roosters free range around my yard. Some of my extra roosters ended up going with my meat birds and well, they are delectable. Great on the grill and were processed around 4-5 month of age. My two free range roosters are good protectors of my yard and eat a lot of bugs which basically is their diet. A lot of my friends adore their colored eggs and to be honest so do I, which is why I kept the three hens around. Overall, I believe if you have a large area for them to roam, don't expect chicken "cuddles" and can deal with pretty flighty birds, you would love this breed, their eggs and even their meat. They are gorgeous to watch in your yard - that is for sure.
Only lost one chick in shipping within 24 hours and have a very easy time working with costumer service. ALWAYS very friendly and attentive. Probably the best costumer service I've had on the internet.”
“I have order a lot of chicks through my pet chicken one lived to be 9 and she's still going! But we order a jersey giant and it wasn't so giant one winter she lost a leg any way this is a pretty good place to get chickies!”
“I ordered 2 Polish Bantams and 2 Easter Egger Bantams this spring with a friend. The Easter Eggers are GORGEOUS girls, one is pure black and the other is white and grey like a snowy owl. They are very healthy and hardy, but seem to have a few screws loose.”